Exploring Your Smart Home data

  • 2019/07/06(周六) 10:00(+0800) ~ 12:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 微程式科技--夢森林 / 台中市市政路402號7樓 (請於一樓換取感應卡後右側電梯上樓)
  • 20 / 40
  • Taichung.py 聯絡主辦單位


Exploring Your Smart Home Data


Our world will be composed of more and more connected devices, especially smart things enriched our life started from our home. An open source project, "Home Assistant", brings us into the practical home automation world.


In this talk, I will start by introducing a concept of home automation, the general concept of "Home Assistant" and it's components. Then, a sample use case will bring you a real scenario along with introducing configurations. In addition, we can also find more values and exciting possibilities in the data derived from Home Assistant.


我們身處的世界充斥著越來越多各式智能裝置,尤其是在我們的日常生活的家庭領域中。透過運用開源專案-Home Assistant (HA),則能協助我們整合各式不同的智能裝置,實現智能家庭,將智能家電自動化。除此之外,我們可以透過許多從HA產生的各式裝置數據進而探索更多智慧家庭的可能性。

本次分享將從智慧家庭自動化的概念,進而介紹Home Assistant和運作方式,並分享Home Assistant能產生哪些數據,提供更進一步分析和視覺化。


  1. What is your future life
    • home automation
    • what makes home automation hard
  2. Introduction of home-assistant
    • Basic concept of home-assistant
    • Architecture of home-assistant
    • Share real use cases
  3. How to build your home automation system
    • Introduction for application of home-assistant
    • Introduction of resource for environment setup
    • home-assistant sample code to explain how to use basic functions of home-assistant
  4. Exploring smart home data from home-assistant
    •  What data you can get from home-assistant
    • Sample data and use cases with jupyter notebook
  5. Q&A 與 buffer time


Shuhsi Lin

Shuhsi Lin (Suci), a data engineer who loves to design various working flows to improve engineering culture in a manufacturing company.


Zong-han, Xie

A data science engineer who used to develop numerical software currently devotes to data mining and data visualization.




本次酌收 100 元以補助講師車馬費。




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協辦單位:微程式 -- 夢森林






夢森林 Dreamforest 是由微程式所提供中部優質交流的場域空間,我們偕同相關產業的夥伴以跨領域技術交流為目的,以「知識分享」、「交流互動」與「創造價值」為核心出發,共同打造中部深具影響力的科技服務交流生態圈,促進在地產業發展。


微程式科技--夢森林 / 台中市市政路402號7樓 (請於一樓換取感應卡後右側電梯上樓)


票種 販售時間 售價

2019/06/25 07:00(+0800) ~ 2019/07/06 09:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費